Miscellaneous Changes for the DOT HazMat Regs
PHMSA 03-07 FR misc HMR changes.pdf
PHMSA 03-25 HMT corrections to 3-7-13 FR.pdf
On March 07, 2013 (78 FR 14702 / HM-219), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) published a final rule amending the Hazardous Material Regulations (HMR) concerning recordkeeping and package marking requirements for third-party labs and manufacturers to assure the traceability of packaging by clearly indicating that a manufacturer or third-party laboratory registered symbol may not be used when continued certification of a packaging is conducted by someone other than the original manufacturer or third-party testing laboratory, unless specifically authorized by the original manufacturer or third-party testing laboratory; removing the listing for “NA1203, Gasohol, gasoline mixed with ethyl alcohol, with not more than 10% alcohol”; harmonizing internationally and providing a limited quantity exception for Division 4.1, Self-reactive solids and Self-reactive liquids Types B through F; allowing smokeless powder classified as a Division 1.4C material to be reclassified as a Division 4.1 material; and providing greater flexibility by allowing the Dangerous Cargo Manifest to be in locations designated by the master of the vessel besides “on or near the vessel’s bridge” while the vessel is in a United States port. The effective date of this final rule is May 6, 2013. Voluntary compliance with all amendments is authorized March 7, 2013.
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