On March 31, 2021, the Department of Energy (86 FR 16888); the Department of Labor (86 FR 16920); the Department of Transportation (86 FR 16926); the Department of Homeland Security (86 FR 16906); the Environmental Protection Agency (86 FR 16952); and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (86 FR 17036) published their respective notices in the federal register making available their portion of the semi-annual Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions.
Click on the links below to download the full versions:
DOE 03-31-2021 semi-annual regulatory agenda
DOL 03-31-2021 semi-annual regulatory agenda
DOT 03-31-2021 semi-annual regulatory agenda
DHS 03-31-2021 semi-annual regulatory agenda
EPA 03-31-2021 semi-annual regulatory agenda
NRC 03-31-2021 semi-annual regulatory agenda