On April 01, 2022 (87 FR 19290), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a proposed rule in the federal register requesting public input on certain amendments to the electronic manifest (e-Manifest) regulations concerning the e-Manifest program and system in 40 CFR Parts 260 thru 761. Specifically, EPA is proposing changes to manifest regulations for shipments of hazardous waste that are exported for treatment, storage, and disposal. These proposed changes follow EPA’s eManifest User Fee final rule (83 FR 420), promulgated January 03, 2018, which stated that the scope of the e-Manifest requirements and system would not extend to U.S. export shipments of hazardous wastes until the EPA determined, through separate rulemaking, which entity in the export process would be responsible for submitting export manifests to the eManifest system and paying the associated user fees. EPA is also proposing regulatory changes to the RCRA hazardous waste export and import shipment international movement document-related requirements to more closely link the manifest data with the international movement document data. In addition, EPA is proposing regulatory amendments to three manifest-related reports (i.e., discrepancy, exception, and unmanifested waste reports) and is requesting public comment on changes to the manifest form. EPA is also requesting public comment with respect to how the EPA can begin to integrate biennial reporting requirements with e-Manifest data. Additionally, EPA is proposing conforming regulatory changes to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) manifest regulations for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) wastes. Finally, the EPA is proposing to make technical corrections to fix typographical errors in the e-Manifest and movement document regulations. More information about the proposal can be found on e-Manifest's Rulemakings webpage. Comments must be received on or before May 31, 2022.
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EPA 04-01-2022 NPRM e-Manifest system updates
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