On May 17, 2018 (83 FR 23996), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) published a notice in the federal register requesting input on ways to improve the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) as it develops the 2020 edition (ERG 2020). PHMSA is interested in any comments and input from emergency services personnel who have experience using the ERG to respond to hazardous materials transportation incidents, and particularly looking for answers to the following questions: 1. How can we make the ERG more user-friendly for first responders during the initial response phase of a hazardous materials transportation incident? Please provide examples. 2. Does ERG2016 effectively emphasize the most useful information for the initial response phase? 3. Have you encountered conflicting or ambiguous guidance messages when using the ERG and other sources of technical information? 4. Are there ways we could improve the White Pages? For example: • Did you find the “How to Use this Guidebook” flow chart on page 1 of ERG 2016 useful in understanding how to use the ERG? Please explain why or why not. • Do you believe we should reformat the tables, charts, and the information they provide (i.e., Table of Placards, Rail Identification Chart, and Road Trailer Identification Chart)? What changes do you think would make them more useful, clear, and easy to read and use? • What other identification charts should we add, if any? What other subject(s) should we address? • How could we improve the information the ERG provides on chemical, biological, and radiological transportation incidents? Can you suggest information to include or remove? • Do you find the terms in the Glossary appropriate and current? What terms should we add? What terms should we remove or change? 5. In ERG2016’s Yellow or Blue Pages, have you found any identification number and/or material name that seems to be assigned to an incorrect Guide number? If so, please note the identification number, material name, the Guide number, and suggest a new Guide number with your reasons why. 6. Do the Orange Guide Pages contain recommendations and responses that are appropriate to the material they are assigned to? If not, please explain and recommend a correction. 7. How could we change/improve the introduction and description of the Green Pages, or any of the following tables? • Table 1-“Initial Isolation and Protective Action Distances” • Table 2-“Water Reactive Materials Which Produce Toxic Gases” • Table 3-“Initial Isolation and Protective Action Distances for Different Quantities of Six Common TIH Gases” 8. When calling any of the Emergency Response Telephone Numbers listed in ERG2016, have you experienced a busy telephone line, disconnection, or no response? If so, please describe. 9. What format(s) of the ERG do you use (hardcopy, electronic, online, mobile applications, etc.), and why? 10. How often do you use the ERG in a dangerous goods transportation emergency? In addition to the specific questions listed in this notice, PHMSA is also interested in any supporting data and analyses that will enhance the value of the comments submitted. Please submit your comments to the following email address: ERGComments@dot.gov Click on the link below to download the full version:
PHMSA 05-23-2018 request comments to improve ERG
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