On May 10, 2019 (84 FR 20699), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) published a notice in the federal register requesting comment to continue collecting information for the following hazardous material activities: 1. Radioactive (RAM) Transportation Requirements; 2. Hazardous Materials Public Sector Training and Planning Grants; and 3. Subsidiary Hazard Class and Number/Type of Packagings. Information collection requirements for RAM include: Documenting testing and engineering evaluations for packages, documentation for DOT 7A packages, revalidation of foreign competent authority certifications, providing specific written instruction of exclusive use shipment controls, providing written instructions for exclusive use shipment controls, obtaining U.S. competent authority for package design, registering with U.S. competent authority as user of a package, and request for a U.S. competent authority for special form. 49 CFR part 110 sets forth the procedures for reimbursable grants for planning and training in support of the emergency preparedness efforts of States, Indian tribes, and local communities to manage hazardous materials emergencies, particularly those involving transportation. Sections in this part address information collection and recordkeeping with regard to applying for grants, monitoring expenditures, and reporting and requesting modifications. The HMR require that shipping papers and emergency response information accompany each shipment of hazardous materials in commerce. In addition to the basic shipping description information, PHMSA also requires the subsidiary hazard class or subsidiary division number(s) to be entered in parentheses following the primary hazard class or division number on shipping papers for purposes of enhancing safety and international harmonization. This also helps motor carriers with regard to complying with segregation, separation, and placarding requirements. Interested persons are invited to submit comments on, or before June 10, 2019.
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