This course is designed to provide initial introduction and review of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) regulations governing the safe transportation and disposal of radioactive and hazardous materials. This course provides a detailed focus on regulatory issues, guidance documents, and packaging requirements. Practical exercises are utilized that allow participants to apply the concepts of the training as it is being discussed.
Materials will be provided to facilitate completing the course.
Successful completion is achieved with a passing score of 80% or better on a written exam.
Successful participants receive a certification stating that the training meets the requirements of 49 CFR 172, Subpart H.
Employees that are required to certify hazardous waste/mixed waste shipments in accordance with 49 CFR, 10 CFR, and ensure disposal requirements of NRC and radioactive commercial disposal sites are followed.
NRC/DOT Radioactive Waste Packaging, Transportation and Disposal Training
• Identify and Classify Hazardous/Mixed Waste
• Determine Most Appropriate Shipping Description
• Package Mixed Waste for Transportation
• Package Mixed Waste for Storage
• Apply Correct Markings, Labels, Placards, and Shipping Papers
• Identify Critical Generator Issues
• Interface Between EPA and NRC or Agreement States
• Sampling and Waste Characterization
• Treatment and Disposal Options
• Case Studies
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